Corky Linfoot Clinic

South Bay Polo was please to host Corky Linfoot for a clinic in the month of May.  A Former 7-goaler, Corky has won two U.S. Opens, 4 Pacific Opens and multiple tournaments abroad.

The three day clinic was split between the various polo clubs in the region, with many participating.  Many a polo player hears a little voice in their head, as they play the game, and it’s usually Corky’s.  “Slow Down”, “Two Hands”, “Speed Kills”, and “Own the Diamond” are indelibly ingrained in many a players head.  The group consisted of advanced players to beginners.  Corky had something for everyone.  Friday night covered the hitting cage, and Saturday was devoted to know-in strategies, and play at South Bay Polo.  Sunday was coached at Menlo Polo Club.  The highlight of his clinics are the coaching and playing videos.  It allows the participant to obsess over every little new suggestion or technique promoted.  Tim Westin, owner of South Bay Polo, shown with Corky, was happy to host the clinic.  As is the South Bay Polo Tradition, everyone stayed around to socialize, and enjoy a sumptuous BBQ lunch.

Honey Badger Slider

Linfoot Clinic May 24-26th

Please join us for the 2013 Silicon Valley Linfoot Clinic.  Three days of awesome Polo Instruction.  Details below:


To register, please fill out the form below.  Your $400 payement, and payment for the horses (if needed) is required 1 week prior to the event.  For payment, contact Lyn Jason Cobb at 650-464-2622 or

[gravityform id=”7″ name=”Silicon Valley Linfoot Clinic Sign-Up”]


Click HERE to order.


Click HERE to order.


Click HERE to order.

Winter Arena Polo

in South Bay’s covered ARENA!  Don’t let your Polo get rained out, come play at South Bay Polo!


The Tournaments

South Bay Polo hosts the “Garlic Cup” tournament, which brings top players from all around the region.  This year’s featured match had unbelievable action with a final, hard fought goal in the last 30 second to capture the win 13 – 12!  Look for the video on the Video link!


The Social Game

At South Bay Polo, we take Polo seriously.  But we also take serious the social aspect of the game and polo community.  After each weekend match, the BBQ is fired up, the beers are opened and everyone relives the glory of the game.  Players have come to look forward to this part South Bay Polo just as much as the exciting matches.